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How TV screen affects life

TVs, like many other types of screens, are all around us. They entertain, and at times drain our energy. Here is a series of short annotated articles on how to balance our life and ourselves, vis-à-vis Television, and at times, other types of entertainment on the screens.

Avoiding Television is almost inevitable for most people as they stay tuned for hours. That includes virtually every family member from kids to grandparents. It has both upsides and downsides. Let’s continue with the children in part six of this series as our next generation is what we all take utmost care about, even more than what we do for ourselves.

In the previous part, you read about some of the pros and cons of watching TV for your kids. Here is more.

Before your kids know anything about schools, they plug into the world of TV. Two in three children watch TV for an average of 2 hours daily. Talking of kids under age 6, they watch screen media, be it TV, videos or DVDs, for 2 hours on the average, per day. For kids and teenagers above 8, up to 18, the figure is 4 hours on the average of TV screen, plus 2 hours for computers and video games.

You might recall that the previous articles in this series, recommended not allowing kids under 2 to watch TV at all; the figure is 1-2 hours daily for kids above 2, provided that the programs are quality ones.

Aggressive behavior is what kids who watch violent acts on TV would be likely to show. In fact, they might develop a certain kind of fear from the world, thinking it is a scary place and expecting something bad to happen to them.

In the future episode, we will deal with violence as a major problem kids face over years of being exposed to some TV programs.

